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How can Organizations Implement a Customer-Focused Culture


In today’s competition-driven marketplace, there is hardly any organization that does not aim to be customer-oriented and recognizes how crucial employees are to achieve this goal. But like it or not, only a handful of organizations are succeeding in building a customer-focused culture where clients are treated like kings and being offered top-class customer service solutions.

It has been observed that organizations are emphasizing upon the adoption of client-focused business processes to bag competitive advantage. Forget about the price and service/product wars, offering outstanding customer satisfaction has emerged as the key differentiator in today’s world of business. It is known to all that it’s cheaper to retain the existing clients that to bring onboard new ones, and top-notch customer satisfaction is what drives this view.  

Defining ‘corporate culture’ is tough and significantly tougher to change. Neither a culture can be imposed on an organization, nor it can be created by simply flicking a switch. Hence, one of the easiest ways to ensure your company excels at customer service is to build a company culture that focuses upon ‘caring’. After all, happy and satisfied employees who understand and follow the company values are capable of becoming great brand advocates.

Here are a few easy to follow tips that will help you build a culture in your enterprise that thrills your clients and employees both.

Offer training to your employees

If you are keen to build a client-oriented culture, start with your employees first. It is key for every employee in an organization to be trained in client servicing. They should be aware what type of language and sentences to use and how to resolve simple issues. This training will come in handy for them to understand the nitty gritty’s of customer servicing since customers stand at the core of any business.

When all the employees realize the relevance of customer satisfaction, no issues will remain unsolved and all client emails will be answered on time.

Training assumes greater relevance for the customer support team who use the online chat software 24×7 to communicate with the clients.

Build awareness in your company

Do you want clients to be the most important part of your company? Then, it is time to make them your ‘top’ priority. It is important to put your customers and their demands first.

How do you achieve that? You should develop a philosophy that screams ‘customer satisfaction is paramount’. In fact, this should be made official and known to everyone.

Publicize your customer satisfaction philosophy across your website and social media platforms. It is also important to ensure that this philosophy is followed by all. Industry experts suggest that employees should be educated about the advantages of a client-oriented culture. Share examples of businesses that offer excellent client servicing, create content and use statistics/surveys/studies to support your point.

Building a client-centric culture in an organization is trickier as it requires creating awareness about it.

Focus on customer delight

There’s no denying the fact that clients are the key stakeholders in a company. Their satisfaction level directly impacts your revenue generation.

According to research done by Gallup, retail banking clients who are completely engaged bring 37% more annual revenue as compared to the disengaged clients.

It proves the fact right that meeting customer expectations should be the focus even if it means that you curtail your meetings, calls and put in extra efforts to achieve it. The sacrifices will pay off at the end if the customer is satisfied and happy.

Appreciate employees who delight customer

For an organization to have a client-oriented culture, it is important to have an engaged team who feels appreciated for delivering top-class client satisfaction. It is best to reward those employees who make constant efforts to satisfy customers.

If you are not sure how to identify the agents who are offering the best service, you can use ProProfs Chat to find out which support executives are performing the best based on the post-chat feedback surveys.

There are many ways to reward employees for meeting customer demands, such as sending a ‘job well done’ email to motivate them to work diligently or providing employee recognition award catalogs.

Apart from client-facing employees, it is also key to recognize those key players who don’t work directly with the clients.

Popularize client success stories

Many companies often commit the mistake of ending the relationship with clients once the business is done. It is a wrong practice. Always look for opportunities to support the customer’s success. If your client has achieved something, you should take this opportunity to celebrate their success. Hence, congratulate them and even share their success across social media channels to make them feel ‘special’.

You can create a customer success story with the use of your product/service. It will help you in branding and building rapport with the clients. It will make the clients feel ‘wanted’ and ‘important’. It will show that your organization is serious about making the life of your customers easy and hassle-free.

So, is your organization client-oriented? You can use this below mentioned handy self-assessment checklist to find out if you are on the right path or not-

  • Does client service appear at least once a month on every team’s agenda?
  • Is client data equally important as financial data to your organization?
  • Does your business have a client satisfaction measurement program?
  • Are your organization’s values based on employee and client feedback?
  • Do the employees understand how to address the concerns of the customers?
  • Does your organization offer training to enhance client awareness?


Transforming a corporate culture isn’t an immediate process as it takes time and demands wholehearted efforts. Organizations that are committed to developing a client-focused culture can only succeed and further allow employees to grow and flourish.

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ProProfs Live Chat Editorial Team is a passionate group of customer service experts dedicated to empowering your live chat experiences with top-notch content. We stay ahead of the curve on trends, tackle technical hurdles, and provide practical tips to boost your business. With our commitment to quality and integrity, you can be confident you're getting the most reliable resources to enhance your customer support initiatives.