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Top 11 Magento Live Chat Extensions in 2024

On the hunt for that perfect live chat extension for your Magento store? 

I get it. You want to chat with your customers like they’re right there with you, browsing through your products.

Well, you’re in luck! I’ve done the legwork and picked out the best Magento live chat extensions out there. So, if you’re ready to instantly connect with online shoppers and give them a “wow” shopping experience, stick around. 

Let’s find the chat tool your store’s been waiting for.

Tool Name Best For Pricing
ProProfs Chat Live Chat Support With AI Chatbots Forever-free plan; Team plan starts at $19.99/operator/month
Gorgias E-commerce Customer Service Efficiency Starts at $50/month for 300 tickets/month
Zendesk Zendesk Users Starts at $19 per agent/month (billed annually)
REVE Chat Interactive Customer Support Experiences Starts at $13.5 per agent/month (billed annually) for live chat only
LiveHelp LiveChat Streamlined Text-based Support Starts at $4.99/month
Velaro Advanced Customization & Integration Starts at $64.95/month
eDesk E-commerce Customer Service Automation Starts at $89/month for 5 webstores and marketplaces
LiveChat Boosting Customer Engagement & Sales Starts at $20/month (billed annually)
Charla Multilingual Support Experiences Starts at $3/agent/month; Free plan for 1 agent
Freshchat User-Friendliness & Affordability Starts at $79/agent/month (billed annually)
Kommunicate Streamlined Bot-to-Human Handoff Starts at $100/month (billed monthly)

Which Is the Best Magento Live Chat Extension?

Short on time? No worries!

To make things simpler for you, I’ve listed my top three picks right here at the beginning.

Check them out!

Option A: ProProfs Chat

ProProfs Chat is a powerhouse with its blend of AI chatbots and human support, ensuring no query goes unanswered. While its chatbots efficiently handle routine questions, the platform also boasts robust analytics and customization options, making it versatile for businesses aiming for both automation and personalization.

Option B: Zendesk Chat

Zendesk Chat seamlessly fits into the Zendesk ecosystem, offering a comprehensive customer support experience. It stands out for its ability to automate interactions and provide deep insights through analytics, ideal for businesses focused on streamlining operations and enhancing customer satisfaction.

Option C: LiveChat

LiveChat impresses with its straightforward interface and customization capabilities, allowing businesses to create a unique chat experience. Coupled with powerful analytics and visitor tracking, it’s designed for organizations looking to improve engagement and convert leads more effectively.

List of the Best Magento Live Chat Extensions 

This list is based on my personal experience, input from peers, and reviews on independent review websites. 

1. ProProfs Chat

Best for Live Chat Support With AI Chatbots

Integrating ProProfs Chat into my Magento store significantly elevated my customer service. The AI chatbots efficiently manage routine inquiries, cutting down response times and freeing up agents to tackle more complex customer needs. This fine-tuning of support tasks made our team more effective and responsive.

Merging seamlessly with Magento, ProProfs Chat empowered us to provide instant product insights, smooth order tracking, and quick issue resolution, greatly reducing my team’s workload. 

Also, the process of customizing the chat interface was straightforward, allowing me to ensure it complements my site’s visual aesthetic and enhances the user experience.

Beyond these capabilities, the detailed analytics and visitor tracking features of ProProfs Chat have opened up new avenues for me to understand and engage with my customers better. These features have become critical in refining my approach to customer service, firmly establishing ProProfs Chat as a vital tool in my arsenal for boosting efficiency and responsiveness.

What you’ll like:

What you may not like:

  • Constant updates to the AI chatbot may be confusing for newcomers.
  • The free version is limited to just one operator.

Pricing: Forever-free plan is available. Team plan starts at $19.99/operator/month.

2. Gorgias

Best for E-commerce Customer Service Efficiency

From what I’ve seen and heard, especially from peers in the e-commerce space, Gorgias offers compelling features for online retailers using Magento. 

Its ability to consolidate customer communications across multiple channels into a single interface can significantly streamline the customer service process, ensuring a more responsive and cohesive experience for shoppers.

The automation capabilities Gorgias offers, utilizing customer data for personalized responses, stand out in the conversations I’ve had. This can be a major asset in delivering tailored customer service that can differentiate an e-commerce business in a competitive market.

What you’ll like:

  • Streamlined integration with Magento, making customer service directly responsive to your e-commerce needs.
  • Automation capabilities that cleverly use customer data for personalizing responses, significantly reducing manual effort.
  • Centralized handling of inquiries across email, chat, social media, and phone, ensuring no customer query is missed.
  • The ability to view and manage customer shopping and interaction history within the chat offers a more informed customer service experience.

What you may not like:

  • Its specialized focus on e-commerce might not make it the best fit for every business’s broader communication needs.
  • Leveraging more advanced features or scaling up could potentially become a consideration for smaller operations or those with tight budgets.

Pricing: Starts at $50/month for 300 tickets/month   

3. Zendesk

Best for Zendesk Users

Zendesk Chat stands out as an essential tool for those already utilizing Zendesk’s suite of services. Its ability to seamlessly integrate customer conversations across various channels, including chat, email, social media, or phone, makes it an indispensable asset for Zendesk users looking to provide unified support experiences. 

Through personal trials and feedback from my network, I’ve seen firsthand how Zendesk Chat’s detailed analytics and reporting capabilities enrich customer understanding and support optimization. 

This Magento live chat extension is particularly adept at scaling, ensuring that businesses of any size, from small teams to large enterprises, can deliver top-notch service without a hitch.

What you’ll like:

  • The platform’s scalability makes it ideal for growing businesses.
  • Integration capabilities with other tools and systems enhance the overall efficiency of the customer support ecosystem.
  • Omni-channel support ensures a consistent and integrated customer experience across chat, email, social media, and phone.
  • Real-time analytics offer deep insights into customer interactions, enabling targeted improvements in support strategies.

What you may not like:

  • Setup and customization can be time-intensive.
  • The price may be prohibitive for smaller budgets.

Pricing: Starts at $19 per agent/month (billed annually)

4. REVE Chat

Best for Interactive Customer Support Experiences

Exploring the capabilities of REVE Chat made it clear why it’s well-regarded for its ability to delivering top-quality customer support experiences. Its standout features, video chat, and screen sharing, provide a dynamic way to connect with customers that goes beyond traditional text-based interactions. 

The potential for face-to-face communication through video chat adds a personal touch that can significantly elevate the customer service experience, making conversations feel more engaging and connected.

The screen-sharing functionality particularly caught my attention. It’s a game-changer for troubleshooting or guiding customers through complex processes in real time. This capability not only streamlines problem-solving but also enhances customer trust by offering transparent and efficient solutions. 

The inclusion of voice chat and co-browsing options further diversifies the ways in which businesses can interact with customers, ensuring that every customer preference is catered to.

What you’ll like:

  • Screen sharing for efficient problem-solving, providing a visual aid that enhances understanding
  • Video chat allows for personal, face-to-face interactions, making customer support more engaging.
  • Diverse communication options, including voice chat and co-browsing, cater to various customer needs.
  • Real-time visitor analytics give insights into customer behavior, enabling tailored support strategies.

What you may not like:

  • The reliance on video and advanced features may require a higher bandwidth, impacting users with slower internet connections.
  • Some users have mentioned that the outbound and offline messages lack formatting options.

Pricing: Starts at $13.5 per agent/month (billed annually) for live chat only and $45/Month (billed annually) for live chat and chatbot combo 

5. LiveHelp LiveChat

Best for Streamlined Text-Based Support

Delving into LiveHelp offered an insightful perspective on the power of streamlined, text-based customer support. This tool distinguishes itself with a focus on simplicity and efficiency, stripping away the complexity often associated with more feature-heavy live chat solutions. 

Its straightforward approach to live chat facilitates quick and effective communication, ensuring that customer inquiries are addressed promptly and thoroughly.

What resonated with me was LiveHelp’s emphasis on creating a seamless user experience for both customers and support agents. The intuitive interface reduces the learning curve significantly, making it easy for new agents to get up to speed. 

Moreover, the tool’s robust reporting and analytics capabilities allow for a deep dive into chat performance, highlighting opportunities for improvement and better understanding of customer needs.

What you’ll like:

  • Simplified text-based chat that focuses on efficiency, making it easy to manage and respond to customer inquiries
  • An intuitive user interface that minimizes the learning curve for support agents, facilitating quick adoption
  • Customizable chat widgets that can be tailored to match the look and feel of your website, ensuring a consistent brand experience
  • Advanced reporting and analytics provide valuable insights into chat interactions, helping to refine support strategies.

What you may not like:

  • The emphasis on text-based interactions might limit opportunities for more personal engagement that video or voice chats offer.
  • The lack of more advanced features like co-browsing or screen sharing could be a drawback for businesses requiring more interactive support tools.

Pricing: Starts at $4.99/month 

6. Velaro

Best for Advanced Customization & Integration

When I took a free trial of Velaro Chat, I was drawn to its deep customization and seamless integration capabilities. This Magento live chat extension is a solid choice for those looking to precisely align their live chat support with their unique business needs and customer service ambitions. 

Its capacity to fine-tune the chat interface and operational triggers to visitor behavior stands out, ensuring that every interaction is as relevant and engaging as possible.

Integrating Velaro Chat with CRM systems and other key business tools streamlines the customer support process significantly. It creates a unified front that leverages data to make every customer interaction more insightful and effective. 

The prospect of such integration excited me, as it meant a more cohesive and data-driven approach to engaging with visitors and customers.

What you’ll like:

  • Exceptional customization options for the chat interface and operational workflows
  • Seamless integration with CRM systems and other business tools, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of customer interactions
  • Robust security features that protect both customer and company data, offering peace of mind for sensitive communications
  • Comprehensive reporting and analytics that offer insights into customer behavior and chat performance, aiding in continuous improvement

What you may not like:

  • Some users have reported that the software’s agent-side interface can be a bit clunky. 
  • Some users have reported difficulties with copy and pasting within Velaro.

Pricing: Starts at $64.95/month 

7. eDesk

Best for E-commerce Customer Service Automation

When I came across eDesk, its pitch for automating e-commerce customer service immediately caught my interest. This Magento live chat extension funnels all customer inquiries from various e-commerce channels into a single, manageable platform to handle online customer interactions in an organized way.

What truly stands out with eDesk is its smart automation. This Magento live chat extension not only categorizes and prioritizes customer inquiries with impressive accuracy but also handles responses to common questions automatically. 

This level of automation not only saves time but also ensures consistent quality in customer interactions. Plus, its seamless integration with sales channels means every customer query is enriched with relevant background information, greatly enhancing the personalization and effectiveness of support.

What you’ll like:

  • Direct integration with e-commerce platforms, simplifying the management of customer queries across channels.
  • Automation of customer service tasks, including categorizing and prioritizing queries, which can significantly enhance efficiency.
  • The ability to provide contextually rich customer support by leveraging sales and interaction data
  • Comprehensive reporting and analytics that offer insights into customer service performance and customer satisfaction

What you may not like:

  • Some customers have reported crashes when handling multiple chat sessions simultaneously.
  • The tool needs better AI capabilities. 

Pricing: Starts at $89/month for 5 webstores and marketplaces  

Read Also: 10 Best eDesk Alternatives & Competitors in 2024

8. LiveChat

Best for Boosting Customer Engagement & Sales


I recently explored LiveChat again, attracted by its reputation for fostering engaging customer conversations. The platform offers a blend of simplicity and powerful features that facilitate real-time interactions with website visitors. 

What impressed me was how LiveChat manages to balance user-friendliness with depth, providing tools that encourage meaningful exchanges without overwhelming either party.

LiveChat’s proactive chat invitations are a standout. They enable you to initiate conversations based on specific customer behaviors or site visits, which can dramatically increase engagement and conversion rates. The analytics and reporting features are also top-notch, offering insights that help refine your approach to customer service continuously. 

Integrating LiveChat into your site feels like adding a dynamic layer of interaction that’s both intuitive for operators and inviting for customers, making it one of the best Magento live chat extensions for driving sales.

What you’ll like:

  • User-friendly interface that makes real-time customer conversations effortless.
  • Proactive chat invitations that boost engagement by allowing you to reach out to visitors based on their actions.
  • Comprehensive analytics and reporting tools provide actionable insights into customer interactions and service performance.
  • Customizable chat widgets that can be tailored to match your brand, enhancing the customer experience on your site

What you may not like:

  • Occasionally, users encounter technical difficulties with the LiveChat mobile app.
  • LiveChat needs more chat widget templates for users who prefer not to customize CSS code or lack technical expertise.

Pricing: Starts at $20/month (billed annually) 

9. Charla

Best for Multilingual Support Experiences

Charla intrigued me with its emphasis on providing multilingual support, a feature that’s increasingly important in our globalized online marketplace. This platform is designed to break down language barriers, enabling businesses to offer real-time support to a diverse customer base. 

Its automatic translation feature ensures that businesses can communicate effectively with customers, regardless of language differences.

The user interface of this Magento live chat extension is notably straightforward, making it easy for support agents to manage conversations even when they involve translation. 

Additionally, Charla’s integration capabilities allow it to work seamlessly with existing CRM and support systems, enriching customer profiles with chat histories and preferences for more personalized interactions.

What you’ll like:

  • Automatic translation capabilities that support multiple languages, broadening your support reach
  • A user-friendly interface that simplifies chat management, even with the added complexity of language translation
  • Seamless integration with CRM and other support tools, providing a holistic view of customer interactions
  • Customization options that let you tailor the chat experience to match your brand and customer expectations

What you may not like:

  • Needs more integrations. 
  • Does not offer chatbots.

Pricing: Starts at $3/agent/month. A free plan is also available (for 1 agent only)

10. Freshchat

Best for User-Friendliness & Affordability 

For businesses prioritizing ease of use without breaking the bank, Freshchat delivers in spades. It’s user-friendly while being packed with features that rival more expensive options, making it the perfect choice for small and medium-sized enterprises looking to upgrade their customer service experience.

Freshchat has also been a revelation in how I approach customer engagement online. Its standout feature is the harmonious integration of AI and live chat functionalities, which can transform the management of initial customer interactions. 

The platform automates the straightforward queries efficiently, allowing teams to focus on more complex issues that require a human touch. I’ve also been particularly impressed with Freshchat’s suite of engagement tools that focus on targeted messaging based on visitor behavior on the site. 

What you’ll like:

  • A smart mix of AI automation and live agent support, ideal for handling a wide range of customer inquiries.
  • Targeted messaging capabilities that enhance user engagement and conversion rates.
  • In-depth analytics to guide and refine engagement and support strategies.
  • Customizable AI chatbot workflows that adapt to specific business needs

What you may not like:

  • Freshchat is not specifically built for e-commerce, and direct integrations are lacking. Users may need to switch between tools to fetch necessary information to solve customer queries.
  • While Freshchat offers centralized file storage, it may not be sufficient for businesses with extensive document needs.

Pricing: Starts at $79/agent/month (billed annually)

11. Kommunicate

Best for Streamlined Bot-to-Human Handoff

Kommunicate is one of the best Magento chatbot extensions when it comes to optimizing the transition from chatbots to human agents. This platform is designed to ensure that customers are quickly and efficiently connected to the right support channel, whether that requires automated assistance or a personal touch from a live agent. 

The process of setting up chatbots is notably user-friendly and accessible. The chatbots can handle a broad spectrum of inquiries before seamlessly escalating complex issues to human support.

What also stands out about Kommunicate is its rich messaging capability, which enriches conversations with multimedia content like images and videos, making interactions more engaging and informative. 

What you’ll like:

  • The intuitive setup and management of chatbots for a wide range of support tasks
  • Efficient bot-to-human handoff, ensuring customers are always in the most capable hands
  • Rich messaging features that enable more dynamic and informative customer interactions
  • Intelligent conversation routing to optimize support workflows and response times

What you may not like:

  • While the bot setup is accessible, achieving the ideal balance between automation and personal support might require fine-tuning.
  • The reporting can be more detailed.

Pricing: Starts at $100/month (billed monthly)

Evaluation Criteria

The evaluation of products or tools chosen for this article follows an unbiased, systematic approach that ensures a fair, insightful, and well-rounded review. This method employs six key factors:

  1. User Reviews / Ratings- Direct experiences from users, including ratings and feedback from reputable sites, provide a ground-level perspective. This feedback is critical in understanding overall satisfaction and potential problems.
  2. Essential Features & Functionality: The value of a product is ascertained by its core features and overall functionality. Through an in-depth exploration of these aspects, the practical usefulness and effectiveness of the tools are carefully evaluated.
  3. Ease of Use: The user-friendliness of a product or service is assessed, focusing on the design, interface, and navigation. This ensures a positive experience for users of all levels of expertise.
  4. Customer Support: The quality of customer support is examined, taking into account its efficiency and how well it supports users in different phases – setting up, addressing concerns, and resolving operational issues.
  5. Value for Money: Value for money is evaluated by comparing the quality, performance, and features. The goal is to help the reader understand whether they would be getting their money’s worth. 
  6. Personal Experience/Expert’s Opinion or Favorites: This part of the evaluation criteria draws insightful observations from the writer’s personal experience and the opinions of industry experts. 

How to Add a Live Chat Extension to Your Magento Site

This section will explore how to bring Magento and live chat together. We’ll use ProProfs Chat for this integration demonstration.

Let’s get started!

Step 1:  Log in to the admin panel of your Magento eCommerce store.

Step 2: Navigate to “FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS” and click “Visit Magento Marketplaces.”

Step 3: Enter “ProProfs” in the search box and select “ProProfs LiveChat extension” from the results. 

You’ll be redirected to the Magento Marketplace.

Step 4: Click “Add to Cart,” and the ProProfs Chat login screen will appear.

Step 5: On the ProProfs Chat login screen,

  1. Enter the email and password for your ProProfs Chat account.
  2. Click “Login & Install Chat.” 

Once you’ve logged in, you’ll see a confirmation message for successful installation. 

Once you’ve added the ProProfs Chat extension to your Magento site, you can sign into your ProProfs Chat account by going to CONTENT, and then selecting “Login” from the Content menu.

That’s it; you’re all done! All it takes is five quick steps to set up the ProProfs live chat extension for Magento. 

You can now move on to customizing the look and feel of your live chat widget to your liking. You can change the layout, style, icon, color, logo, position, size, and more.

Which Magento Live Chat Extension Should You Choose for Your Store?

So, which live chat tool is the most suited for Magento stores?

In my opinion, it’s ProProfs Chat. 

That’s because ProProfs Chat offers all the sought-after features, including announcements, chatbots, chat triggers & automated greetings, automatic routing, branding, and more. What’s more, it’s designed to be ideally suited for both small and enterprise-sized eCommerce businesses.

However, make sure you explore all the tools mentioned above to pick the best fit for your business. 

We hope that our list and assessment of all the tools help your eCommerce business provide the best live chat experience to your customers and prospects.

All the best!

Frequently Asked Questions

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Many Magento live chat extensions offer an easy installation process and user-friendly interfaces. ProProfs Chat, for example, stands out for its simplicity in both setup and usage, providing an intuitive platform that makes integration into your Magento store hassle-free, even for those without technical expertise.

While several Magento live chat extensions ensure mobile responsiveness, ProProfs Chat excels in offering a seamless mobile experience. It guarantees that your live chat functionality works flawlessly across devices, catering to the modern consumer’s preference for shopping and interacting on the go.

Choosing the right extension depends on your specific needs. Consider factors like the features offered (e.g., AI capabilities, analytics, customization options), the level of customer support provided, integration ease, and pricing. Assessing these aspects in the context of your business goals and customer service strategy will help you make an informed decision.

Yes, many live chat extensions allow for widget customization to ensure it complements your store’s theme. ProProfs Chat offers advanced customization capabilities, enabling you to extensively modify the chat widget's appearance, including colors, styles, and even the placement on your website, ensuring a perfect match with your Magento store's design. This level of customization helps maintain your brand’s visual identity and enrich the customer experience.

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ProProfs Editorial Team

About the author

The ProProfs Live Chat Editorial Team is a passionate group of customer service experts dedicated to empowering your live chat experiences with top-notch content. We stay ahead of the curve on trends, tackle technical hurdles, and provide practical tips to boost your business. With our commitment to quality and integrity, you can be confident you're getting the most reliable resources to enhance your customer support initiatives.