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3 Ways to Help Real Time Visitors Through Live Chat Support

Way to Help Real Time Visitor

One of the challenges small, medium and enterprise level businesses face today, intense hyper competition not withstanding, is the need and desirability not only to bring new customers on board but to cement relationships with existing ones so that existing customers also become repeat customers. Given the high costs involved with customer acquisition, companies continue to streamline their various service channels, train service reps, and upgrade their customer support technologies to provide the most enriching user experience possible.

The Million Dollar Question

So how can you help your customers fulfill their knowledge, research and purchase expectations on your website through live chat support in a way that they come back to you in the future? WE looked at live chat software in general and ProProfs chat in particular from this highly focused perspective and came up with 3 ways in which you can help your customers not just leave positive feedback for your company through a post chat survey, but also return to your website to make a purchase decision at the first available opportunity.

Here are the 3 strategies we have been able to pin point that will contribute significantly to your customer retention efforts:

#1.Fortify your Chat Reps and Agents with Knowledge

Knowledge is power and information is king in the 21st century. If your chat reps don’t know your products, services, policies, pricing structure and currently valid promotion and incentive programs, only to name a few, they are going to blow hot air on your visitors’ collective faces through live chat software. If you, as a shopper, were to visit an ecommerce website for instance, and were provided with half-baked, inaccurate and outdated information, chances are slim that you would ever pay them a visit again. Copy your chat reps on all customer facing collateral, newsletters, product alerts, sales announcements, and any communication directed at your customers through social media.

Compile all this mission critical data into a single message and send it to your chat reps every day with clear instructions that they should read this content religiously. Announce surprise quizzes as if your chat reps were students in your corporate classroom and politely point out deficiencies if you find any. Reward astute reps with gift cards from your favorite restaurant. Two prize distribution ceremonies is all it will take for every chat rep to ace the quizzes.

#2.Leverage Chat Transcripts

At ProProfs chat, we have noticed that although customers are provided with ample opportunities to review their chat transcripts through an option on the Visitor Chat Window, chat transcripts aren’t used extensively by managers to assess the performance of chat reps, analyze buying habits, add to FAQs, and locate information gaps within the communication process. If you use a CRM that we support, we highly recommend that you perform the integration as soon as possible so that all live chat interaction conducted by ProProfs chat can be seamlessly integrated with your CRM to provide you a larger and more accurate picture of your customers and their buying behavior. You can also use our chat transcripts to script new canned messages if you spot a repetitive pattern of similar questions.

#3.Activate Analytics across the Board

ProProfs chat provides you with a goldmine of analytics services some of which are so sophisticated that there just might be a minor learning curve involved. There is no cause for concern because we are always standing by to help you with our 24X7 customer support. Locate a wealth of information on our various visitor monitoring, visitor tracking and analytics functions, which you can access in our Help Center once you log into your ProProfs chat account. In a nutshell, these services include several features that show you in real time what your visitors are doing on your website– which web pages they are visiting, how they arrived on your website, which search engine they used to find you, how long they remained on your website, their country of origin, their time zones and much more.

You should also enable advanced features of ProProfs Chat such as proactive chat, announcements, visitor monitoring, integration with native knowledge base app, and more to engage with your customers efficiently.

The three strategies we have suggested have one thing in common. They will help you retain your customers and significantly enhance their user experience once you implement them. Customer support is no rocket science. All you need to do, to put it very simply, is first to find out what your customers need and expect from you and then fulfill their expectations with a high degree of zeal and commitment.

Do you have other strategies up your sleeve that are tried and tested which you can share with us? How do you engage your customer communities through live chat support? We would love to hear from you through our blog comments below.

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ProProfs Editorial Team

About the author

The ProProfs Live Chat Editorial Team is a passionate group of customer service experts dedicated to empowering your live chat experiences with top-notch content. We stay ahead of the curve on trends, tackle technical hurdles, and provide practical tips to boost your business. With our commitment to quality and integrity, you can be confident you're getting the most reliable resources to enhance your customer support initiatives.