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Live Chat Support for Customer Engagement: A Complete Beginner’s Guide 2024

Ever experienced customer frustration due to lengthy wait times and unresponsive support? 

We get it – it happens to the best of us. This is where live chat support comes in – it’s a fast and efficient way to get the help your customers need.

But live chat support isn’t just about getting answers quickly. It’s also about building a personal connection with your customers and providing them with a seamless, positive experience. 

When customers feel heard and valued, they’re likelier to become loyal fans of your brand and recommend you to others.

This blog will explore the world of live chat support and how it can benefit your business. Whether you’re a small startup or a large business, we’ll provide you with the know-how and best practices for using it to its full potential.

What is Live Chat Support?

Live chat support is a form of online communication that lets you have a one-on-one conversation with your website visitors. Unlike phone or email support, live chat support is instant and allows you to address the queries and concerns of your customers in real time. 

Live chat support can also initiate proactive chats with your visitors based on their behavior, location, or other criteria. This way, you can engage them before they leave your website, assist them, and guide them through the sales funnel.

How Does Live Chat Support Work?

Live chat support works by installing a chat widget on your website, which can be customized to match your brand and style. When visitors land on your website, they can see the chat widget and click on it to start a conversation with you or your agents. 

You can also set up automated messages or chatbots to greet visitors, collect their information, and answer common questions. You can monitor and manage all your live chat conversations from a dashboard, where you can also see the details and history of each visitor, such as their name, email, location, device, pages visited, etc. 

It also offers various features and tools to enhance your customer support, such as canned responses, file sharing, emojis, co-browsing, screen sharing, etc.

Read More: How Does Live Chat Work?

Benefits of Live Chat Support Services for Businesses

The following are the key benefits of incorporating live chat support into your customer service strategy.

1. Reduce Wait Time

Live chat is an effective tool for reducing customer wait time as it provides your website visitors with instant assistance. Customers can easily connect with a support agent who can quickly answer their questions and resolve their issues. 

This immediate response saves customers from waiting on hold or for an email response, improving the overall customer experience.

Additionally, live chat support for websites enables support agents to handle multiple customer inquiries simultaneously, which helps reduce wait times. Agents can respond to common queries more quickly and efficiently using pre-written canned responses

Moreover, live chat allows customers to get real-time updates on their inquiries, reducing the need for follow-up calls or emails.

2. Monitor Operator Performance

Live chat can be invaluable for monitoring operators’ performance. It makes it possible to track the speed and quality of responses and the total number of chats handled by each operator. By monitoring these metrics, you can identify areas where operators may need additional training or support. 

For example, if an operator consistently takes longer to respond than others, it may indicate that they need additional training in handling customer queries or resolving issues.

In addition to monitoring individual operator performance, live chat can help identify trends or patterns in customer queries. By analyzing the questions or issues most frequently raised, you can adjust their products, services, or support processes to meet customer needs better.

3. Turn Into a Lead-Generation Machine

Live chat lets you gather valuable information about your website visitors, such as their contact details, browsing history, and preferences. This data can be used to tailor your marketing campaigns and create targeted messaging that resonates with your audience. 

By asking targeted questions and guiding prospects through the sales funnel, live chat can help you identify high-quality leads and prioritize them.

Additionally, it allows you to proactively reach out to visitors showing signs of interest in your products or services, such as those who have spent a certain amount of time on your site or added items to their cart. 

By offering assistance or special promotions, you can further incentivize these visitors to purchase. Thus, a live chat support service can help you capture and convert more website visitors into loyal customers.

Read More: 12 Benefits of Using Live Chat for Your Website

5 Best Practices for a Successful Live Chat Support Experience

Live chat has become essential for businesses to engage with their customers in real time. It allows customers to receive quick and convenient assistance while reducing wait times and improving customer satisfaction. 

To ensure a successful live chat support experience, here are 5 best practices to follow:

1. Provide Prompt & Polite Responses

One of the most important aspects of live chat help is to be prompt and polite when responding to customer inquiries. 79% of customers prefer live chat because of its immediate responses.

Ensure to greet the customer, introduce yourself, and address them by name. Also, use polite and professional language when communicating with the customer.

2. Be Knowledgeable & Empathetic

You must know about your products and services to provide effective live chat support. Make sure to train your support agents thoroughly on the products and services so that they can answer customer questions accurately. 

Additionally, showing empathy and understanding toward the customer’s situation is important. If a customer is upset or frustrated, show compassion and apologize for any inconvenience.

3. Use Pre-Written Responses & FAQs

Pre-written responses and FAQs can be incredibly helpful in providing quick and consistent responses to common inquiries. Create a database of pre-written responses and FAQs that your support agents can use to respond to customers quickly and efficiently. 

This will save time and ensure that customers receive accurate information. Canned responses offered by live chat can do this job for you.

4. Personalize the Experience

Personalization is key to a successful live chat support experience. Use the customer’s name and reference their previous interactions with your business. This will help build rapport and make the customer feel valued. 

Additionally, if a customer has a complex issue requiring further assistance, offer to follow up via email or phone to provide more personalized assistance.

5. Follow-Up

After the live chat session, it is important to follow up with the customer to ensure that their issue has been resolved. Send a follow-up email or message to the customer to ask if they need further assistance. 

This not only shows that you value their business but also helps to build customer loyalty. Post-chat surveys are a great way to achieve this.

Watch this quick video on measuring customer satisfaction for live chat support experiences. 

How Do You Spot a Good Live Chat Provider?

A good live chat provider should offer a range of features that can enhance customer support and help you improve your online presence. Some of the key features that you should look for in a live chat provider are given below:

1. Customization

A good live chat provider should offer customization options, allowing you to personalize the chat window and chatbot to match your brand’s look and feel. The customization options should enable you to add your company logo and choose colors, fonts, and layout options to seamlessly blend the chat window with your website’s design. This creates a cohesive brand experience for your customers.


2. Multilingual Support

If your business caters to customers who speak different languages, finding a live chat provider that supports multiple languages is essential. This feature enables your chatbot to communicate with customers in their preferred language, improving their experience and reducing language barriers.


3. Omnichannel Support

The live chat software should integrate with other channels like email, social media, or messaging. This means that customers can reach out to you through different channels, and you can respond to them from a central platform.

4. Automated Chatbot

Live chat should consist of a chatbot intelligent enough to solve customers’ common queries without human intervention. Automated chatbots can help reduce the workload on your customer support team and provide faster responses to common customer queries. 

A good live chat provider should offer a chatbot that is easy to set up and customize and can be trained to handle a wide range of customer inquiries.

5. Proactive Chat

The chat software should enable you to initiate conversations with customers on your website based on their behavior. Proactive chat invitations let you reach out to customers who may be struggling to find what they’re looking for or have questions about your products or services.

Initiating chats can provide a better customer experience and increase the likelihood of a successful interaction.

6. Real-time Analytics

The software should provide real-time analytics, such as visitor behavior tracking, chat volume, and customer satisfaction ratings, to help you optimize your support. Real-time analytics can help you track your chatbot’s performance and identify areas where you can improve your customer support. 

By analyzing chat volume and customer satisfaction ratings, you can identify trends and change your chatbot’s responses or support strategy to improve customer satisfaction.

7. Integrations 

Live chat software should integrate easily with your website, CRM, and other systems. This will help you provide a seamless customer experience and reduce the time your team spends on manual data entry. 

By integrating with your CRM, you can capture customer information and chat history, which can help you personalize future interactions and provide more informed support.

8. 24/7 Availability

A good live chat provider should offer round-the-clock support to ensure customers can reach you anytime. This means you should be able to support customers in different time zones and respond to inquiries outside regular business hours. 

24/7 availability can help improve customer satisfaction and loyalty by providing a reliable support channel that customers can rely on whenever they need help.

3 Examples of Best Live Chat Support Tools

Many live chat support services are available in the market, each with its own features, pricing, and benefits. Here are some examples of live chat support services you can consider for your business:

ProProfs Chat

ProProfs Chat is a powerful live chat software that enables you to provide seamless customer support and increase conversions. With features like an automated chatbot, a customizable chat widget, and real-time visitor monitoring, ProProfs Chat helps you engage with your customers at every stage of the buying journey. 

The software also allows agents to handle multiple chats simultaneously and provides comprehensive reports and analytics to help you improve your customer support performance. Whether you’re looking to boost sales, reduce response times, or improve customer satisfaction, ProProfs Chat is the perfect solution for your business.

Pricing: Forever-free for a single operator. Team plan starts at $19.99/operator/month.


(Image Source: Capterra)

With Olark, you can provide personalized and efficient customer service through customizable chat windows and automated messages. The software integrates with popular platforms such as Salesforce and HubSpot, allowing you to manage customer interactions across multiple channels. 

Olark also offers analytics tools to track customer behavior and measure the effectiveness of customer support efforts. Its advanced features, such as automation and integrations with other tools, make it a powerful tool for customer communication and support. 

Pricing: Starts at $29/seat/month.


(Image Source: G2)

HubSpot’s user-friendly interface and customizable settings make it easy for you to engage with your website visitors and offer personalized support. Whether you’re looking to generate leads, provide customer service, or simply engage with your audience, HubSpot Chat has everything you need to make it happen. 

With features like chatbots, canned responses, and visitor tracking, HubSpot Chat helps you build meaningful relationships with your customers and improve their overall online experience.

Pricing: A free plan is available (without chat routing). Paid plan starts at $20/month.

Boost Customer Engagement With Live Chat 

Live chat for customer support has gained traction among businesses looking to enhance their customer support. With round-the-clock availability, omnichannel support, multilingual capabilities, and automated responses, this tool can help you spin the wheels of customer engagement more efficiently.

If you’re still looking to implement live chat for customer support, ProProfs Chat can be your go-to tool, as it offers everything an ideal live chat solution should have. From canned responses to chat transcripts, this tool is a comprehensive package to boost customer engagement. 

So, why wait? Get started today!

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ProProfs Editorial Team

About the author

The ProProfs Live Chat Editorial Team is a passionate group of customer service experts dedicated to empowering your live chat experiences with top-notch content. We stay ahead of the curve on trends, tackle technical hurdles, and provide practical tips to boost your business. With our commitment to quality and integrity, you can be confident you're getting the most reliable resources to enhance your customer support initiatives.