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11 Customer Service Mistakes One Must Avoid

11 Customer Service Mistakes One Must Avoid

Are you witnessing customer attrition lately, and that too at a high rate? You certainly need to start tracking all your customer service mistakes if this is true. While it is essential to utilize the right tool for customer service, there are several other factors that impact customer satisfaction. Understand that it may not be...
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Chatbot Scripts: What it is & How to Make Your Scripts [+Examples]

Chatbot Scripts: What it is & How to Make Your Scripts [+Examples]

Which chatbot welcome message would you prefer? “Hi, How can I help you?” or “Hey Nathan! Good day. How may I help you?” We need no guesses; it has to be the second one. It is an excellent example of how chatbot scripts should be designed. They should sound personal and catch the visitor’s attention...
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12 Essential Chatbot Features to Consider in 2024

12 Essential Chatbot Features to Consider in 2024

Are you still in the planning phase and feel undecided about which chatbot your business should invest in? Don’t worry; this can happen to anyone who is seriously considering a chatbot for their business. To overcome this dilemma, we recommend you consider the top chatbot features first. This will surely cut short your elimination process...
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Top 20 Chatbot Use Cases to Help You Build Delightful Experience

Top 20 Chatbot Use Cases to Help You Build Delightful Experience

47% of users are open to buying products via a chatbot, while 67% prefer using them to get faster responses and answers.  Such numbers give a quick glimpse of what a chatbot is capable of doing for a business. But, chatbot use cases aren’t limited to answering frequently asked questions. Now and then, you’ll see...
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Maximizing ROI: How Chatbot Marketing Can Boost Your Bottom Line

Maximizing ROI: How Chatbot Marketing Can Boost Your Bottom Line

Are you looking for a way to engage your website visitors and convert them into leads or customers? Do you want to improve your customer service and provide 24/7 support to your customers? If yes, then chatbot marketing is the solution for you. With the right setup, chatbots can provide personalized product recommendations, answer frequently...
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10 Best BigCommerce Live Chat Apps in 2024

10 Best BigCommerce Live Chat Apps in 2024

Want to skyrocket your BigCommerce store sales as you streamline your customer service and support process for future experiences?  How about adding a live chat to your Bigcommerce store? If you own an eCommerce store, we understand that you just don’t want to boost your sales but also ramp up your customer service experience. For...
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Customer or Client? Successful Businesses Know the Real Difference

Customer or Client? Successful Businesses Know the Real Difference

If you’re in business, you’ve heard the adage, “You have to spend money to make money.” But what if you could spend less money and still generate more revenue? It turns out that acquiring new customers costs 5-25X more than retaining existing clients, and successful businesses use this to their advantage. Instead of spending all...
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12 Best SaaS Marketing Tools to Skyrocket Your Business in 2024

12 Best SaaS Marketing Tools to Skyrocket Your Business in 2024

The software industry is flooded with SaaS marketing tools, making it a daunting task to find the perfect one for your business. But don’t worry; I’m here to simplify things for you.  As a seasoned SaaS professional with years of hands-on experience, I understand the challenges of navigating this vast landscape. In this blog, I’ll...
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11 High-Powered Customer Acquisition Tools to Consider in 2024

11 High-Powered Customer Acquisition Tools to Consider in 2024

What’s your first thought when you hear customer acquisition? If you think it is time taking, expensive, and strategically challenging, you are not alone. However, business owners have resorted to the use of multiple customer acquisition tools to avert these roadblocks. And in case you were on the lookout for one, or maybe more, we’ve...
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7 Welcome Email Templates to Nurture New Clients

7 Welcome Email Templates to Nurture New Clients

You’ve just converted your latest prospect into a customer, and you have great content and offers in store for them. You decide to take your time and save the best for later, so you send a “Thank you for subscribing!“ message to all the new users. You decide to send the video next week. However,...
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