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7 Tips to Reap the Best out of ProProfs Chat

7 Tips to Reap the Best out of ProProfs Chat

Live chat has become one of the most reliable tools that foster business growth. However, the tool’s usefulness strongly depends on the user, so if you do not know how to adequately utilize your live chat, you won’t end up with the expected results. Here at ProProfs, we want to help our clients make the...
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Transform Your Small Business To Enterprise Business With Live Chat

Transform Your Small Business To Enterprise Business With Live Chat

Yes, you heard that right! Growing a small business is a challenge, but it’s a greater challenge not to use the right strategies that help it becomes an enterprise business. Every big company started out small. Believe it or not, Hewlett-Packard was just two people working in a garage and McDonalds started out with just...
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Things to Consider Before Buying a Live Chat Software

Things to Consider Before Buying a Live Chat Software

Do you really need a Live Chat Software for your Business? You don’t need to be a marketing guru to figure out that quality customer service is the key to long-term success of any business. Your customers are your best bet when it comes to spreading the word about your products or services. And by offering...
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4 Reasons Why You Should Implement Live Chat on Your Website Now

4 Reasons Why You Should Implement Live Chat on Your Website Now

Instant interaction is what people seek if they frequently visit an online business. More than that, people wish to experience a memorable customer service experience. So, if your brand successfully delivers great customer service experience, you can encourage at least 73% of buyers to stick with the brand. Understand this, new-age buyers expect from a...
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How to Improve Customer Service Using Live Chat

How to Improve Customer Service Using Live Chat

Do you know that around 54% of all consumers globally say they have higher customer service expectations than they did just one year ago? Customers expect brands to build a smart, crisp, yet a delightful customer service journey. But as the stat above suggests, customer’s expectations tend to change every year. And, so does their...
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14 Live Chat Metrics & KPIs to Measure Operator Performance

14 Live Chat Metrics & KPIs to Measure Operator Performance

Is live chat helping my support team achieve their customer service and sales goals? That’s a valid question that can be answered by tracking the right live chat metrics and KPIs. Chat analytics assist you in understanding real-time customer satisfaction rates and help you gauge the performance of each support team member. “In today’s digital...
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Top Qualities All Customer Service Reps Should Have [INFOGRAPHIC]

Top Qualities All Customer Service Reps Should Have [INFOGRAPHIC]

Click Here To Zoom Image. Copy and paste this snippet to embed this visual <img src=”” width=”100%” height=”100%”> What is the key quality a good customer services professional should have? Well, the best answer can never be just one. There are many traits your team needs to have, and believe it or not, more than...
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5 Reasons Why You Should Respond to Online Reviews

5 Reasons Why You Should Respond to Online Reviews

For business owners, real-time engagement with customers on social media isn’t merely appropriate; it is also necessary. On Twitter, for example, they are expected by 70 percent of users to respond to comments and feedback — with 53 percent wanting the response to happen in less than an hour. Meanwhile, on Facebook, businesses’ response rates...
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How can Organizations Implement a Customer-Focused Culture

How can Organizations Implement a Customer-Focused Culture

In today’s competition-driven marketplace, there is hardly any organization that does not aim to be customer-oriented and recognizes how crucial employees are to achieve this goal. But like it or not, only a handful of organizations are succeeding in building a customer-focused culture where clients are treated like kings and being offered top-class customer service...
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Why Empathy Is Critical for Successful Customer Service

Why Empathy Is Critical for Successful Customer Service

Today’s consumers are more empowered than ever before. They know what they’re looking for. They have the capacity to conduct exhaustive research in order to determine where they want to buy from. And they’re not afraid to take their business elsewhere if they have a negative experience with a company or when a brand generates...
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