Customer Support

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How Online Chat Support Affects Customer Happiness

How Online Chat Support Affects Customer Happiness

Earlier, online customer service process used to be terrible. Customers had less options to try then, so they had no choice but to stick to the chosen brands even if they treated their customers poorly. These days, however, with plenty of businesses selling the same products or services, the tables have turned. Thanks to the...
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How to Build a Effective Customer Engagement Strategy (Marketing Tips)

How to Build a Effective Customer Engagement Strategy (Marketing Tips)

Is it possible to know what our customers think all the time while they browse the website? Honestly, no company has the means to learn what their customers are thinking or feeling all the time. But should that stop you from learning more about your customers? That’s why it is important you formulate customer engagement...
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20 Tips to Improve Customer Service Easily

20 Tips to Improve Customer Service Easily

Did you know that 67% of people worldwide believe that customer service as a whole is improving? A lot of businesses have understood that building a quality customer service experience is the golden key to enhancing brand image. They’ve realized that the benefits of good customer service can also result in increased sales and improved...
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How to Provide a Delightful Customer Service Experience

How to Provide a Delightful Customer Service Experience

Did you know that 55% consumers are willing to pay more to have a delightful experience? A report by McKinsey says that 70% of product or service buying experiences are totally based on how the customers feel they have treated. For about 62% organizations, customer experience is viewed as a great competitive differentiator. The takeaway?...
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How to Recruit Live Chat Customer Support Team that Delights Users

How to Recruit Live Chat Customer Support Team that Delights Users

People Helping People is a Great Job! Customer support is the most crucial aspect of determining the success of any business. Earning customer loyalty is a tough nut to crack. And, going gets tougher if a company doesn’t have a right team in place to manage the customers. The support team plays a pivotal role...
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5 Benefits of MS Dynamics 365 CRM & Live Chat Integration

5 Benefits of MS Dynamics 365 CRM & Live Chat Integration

“Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning”— Bill Gates, Microsoft No matter what industry or business you are in, customers are your most important assets and maintaining customer relationships is one of the crucial steps for growing your business. All you need to do is keep yourself abreast with tools and technologies...
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9 Ways Your Customer Communication Can Increase Referrals

9 Ways Your Customer Communication Can Increase Referrals

It’s no secret that businesses put a lot of effort into finding new customers. However, putting effort towards returning customers can turn out to be more beneficial. In fact, studies show that repeat customers tend to spend more money than new customers. On top of that, they’re likely to refer your business to their friends....
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12 Do’s & Don’ts of Live Chat Support for Your Website

12 Do’s & Don’ts of Live Chat Support for Your Website

Live chat is undeniably one of the leading tools that promises instant messaging and high convenience. No wonder the global live chat software market is estimated to reach a whopping $987.3 million by 2023! Today’s customers do not have the patience to listen to the irritating elevator music on loop while on hold or wait...
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How to Increase Online Sales Using Live Chat

How to Increase Online Sales Using Live Chat

Customer acquisition and conversion strategies have been through remarkable rounds of innovations in the last few years. Online businesses are constantly trying to leverage their sales and business by using social media platforms to their full potential. They are trying their best to get the right brand messaging across while connecting efficiently with every single...
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