Customer Support

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How to Set Measurable Customer Service Goals for Your Team

How to Set Measurable Customer Service Goals for Your Team

From customer service, support to experience, you have a lot to accomplish to keep your customers satisfied.  Well, that’s because 87% of satisfied customers are more likely to upgrade or add services and are less likely to cancel. And, ultimately become brand loyals. So, to make sure your customers are satisfied with your brand, you...
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15 Customer Service Psychology Tips to Provide Better Support

15 Customer Service Psychology Tips to Provide Better Support

We’ve seen popular brands create some of the most memorable and successful customer service stories. And we’ve all tried to follow their footsteps. But rather than following them, why not see what really worked for them? Believe it or not, but customer service psychology is one of the driving factors for their success. Well, just...
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How to Reduce Customer Service Response Time

How to Reduce Customer Service Response Time

What is the best way for my business to reduce customer service response time? If this question is bothering you a lot, that could mean one thing – you are struggling to engage with customers and keep them delighted.  Delayed responses induce frustration, especially for 66% of customers who feel valuing their time is the...
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Delightful Tools: Our Secrets to Working Remotely During COVID-19

Delightful Tools: Our Secrets to Working Remotely During COVID-19

Along with the global economy, how businesses operate is also massively hit, with the spread of COVID-19. This is forcing business owners to take major steps towards overhauling their existing workplace practices – work from home (WFH) is one of them – it has become mainstream in less than two weeks. Happy to share that...
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Difference Between Multichannel & Omnichannel Customer Support

Difference Between Multichannel & Omnichannel Customer Support

Remember when your business had limited platforms, mostly email, mail, and phone support, to help customers reach your brand? We’ve obviously come a long way from those times. No wonder customers today are more concerned about how their customer support experience might turn out with a brand. They know you have more platforms in place...
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How to Handle Multiple Customers at the Same Time

How to Handle Multiple Customers at the Same Time

?  Hello? Yeah, hi. I was trying to purchase one of your products online and submitted my card details. I see a deduction but I haven’t received a confirmation from your end. Could you please look into this and let me know if my order has been confirmed? Yes, sure. Is it okay if I put...
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What Is Automated Customer Service & Why It Is Important

What Is Automated Customer Service & Why It Is Important

What’s the best way possible to build automated customer service? If this question has left you confused, we’re here to help. Automated customer service is no rocket science. But getting the right head-start to build your customer service automation process can become challenging. That’s why our team has brought in a quick guide that helps...
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Customer Acquisition Cost: How To Calculate & Reduce

Customer Acquisition Cost: How To Calculate & Reduce

Imagine having new website visitors regularly who are really interested in your services. They seem to love your website and convert a lot.  Also, they provide awesome feedback.  So, at first glance, you’re pretty happy with the performance of your business. But in spite of that, you realize that somehow you haven’t managed to generate...
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How to Measure Customer Satisfaction

How to Measure Customer Satisfaction

This is the worst restaurant I’ve been to in my entire life! That website is so annoyingly slow. Don’t even waste your time trying to read something there. I really hope that nobody will ever buy this software again. This interface is so frustrating! When you read these, it doesn’t seem too difficult to estimate...
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